News / 5 December 2016

Leaving no-one behind

UK Aid Direct “support civil society organisations working on poverty reduction in marginalised and vulnerable communities”. To help them do this we’ve built their first website.

Until now their funding information, case studies and grant holder resources were held on But as demand for their services has increased, so did the need for their own site.

Working within the Digital Service Standard, we’ve just finished the first phase of this ongoing project, releasing the minimum viable product of the site. The requirements for this were gathered from the international stakeholders by project co-ordinators Mannion Partners, who then came to us for UX and visual design, and front and back-end development.

Over the next few months we’ll be running continuous user-testing via the Usabilia site feedback plug-in. This will help inform phases 2 and 3 of the project, as we add to the functionality of the site and create a ‘learning hub’ full of interactive materials for grantees and those applying for funding.